Julia Lawson

Julia Lawson
Bren PhD student

Office: MSI 1208
Email: jmlawson@ucsb.edu
Web: Website
GS: Google Scholar
RG: ResearchGate
GH: GitHub
Twitter: @julawson


Julia’s research interests are focused on the effectiveness of fisheries and international environmental agreements. Julia completed her master’s research under the supervision of Dr. Amanda Vincent at the University of British Columbia Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. There, she focusing on filling critical life-history gaps for three seahorse species during her fieldwork in peninsular Malaysia. She also developed a global estimate of the number of seahorses taken annually in bycatch. Prior to her MS, Julia has led or been part of marine research projects in Malaysia, Australia, Canada, the Bahamas, and Bermuda. These projects spanned a range of research topics — from looking at coral reproduction and recruitment at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences to examining historical persistence of deep-sea sponges off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. After finishing her MS degree, Julia joined the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group as the Programme Officer, where she developed conservation strategies and coordinated IUCN Red List assessments for sharks, rays, and chimaeras.