Erin Winslow
Bren PhD student
Office: MSI 1208
Web: Website
GS: Google Scholar
RG: ResearchGate
GH: GitHub
Twitter: @erinmwinslow
Erin (she/her) is a community ecologist and a Sarah Argyropoulos Marine Conservation Fellow. She is co-advised by Steve Gaines and Bruce Kendall and her field-heavy research focuses on quantifying the response of coral and reef fish to landscape level disturbance events in French Polynesia through benthic surveys, in-situ experiments, and statistical models. Erin also works in partnership with Polynesian fishermen to determine best management of newly established nearshore marine reserves using both ecological surveys and traditional knowledge. In her spare time, Erin likes to stand up paddle, beach with her dog Scallop, CrossFit, and travel (mainly to eat good food!).