Allie Caughman

Allie Caughman
Bren PhD student

Office: Bren Hall 4328
Web: Website
GS: Google Scholar
RG: ResearchGate
GH: GitHub
Twitter: @allie_amc


Allie (she/her) is a NSF Graduate Research Fellow at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management and is co-advised by Dr. Steve Gaines and Dr. Darcy Bradley. She is broadly interested in the intersection of marine conservation, movement ecology, and data science. She plans to leverage her existing programming skills to develop simulation models to answer a broad range of questions about how to best direct conservation efforts for important species and habitats in the face of climate change and other stressors. Allie spends most of her free time rock climbing, but also enjoys hiking, kayaking, and SCUBA Diving.